Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 539
                           Fall Term A.D. 1897
                        Thursday December 16th 1897
State of Florida } Syd L. Carter
       vs        } Assault with intent to murder
James Morey      } Robert E. Davis
              And now on this day this cause came on to be heard
Syd L. Carter State Attorney prosecuting in the name and by the
authority of the State of Florida and the prisoner James Morey
appearing in open Court in his proper person, and who had been
arraigned herein on yesterday and pleaded not guilty was demanded
how he would acquit himself of the charge against him saith
that he is not guilty as the indictment herein alleges against
him and for good and evil puts himself upon God and the
Country for trial, Whereupon a jury was called and there came
R.Y. Tate, J.M. Turner, W.G. Sanders, Henry Parish and A.J. Feaster
and now the regular panel of the Jury being exhausted by challenge
the Court ordered the Sheriff to summon a talisman from the by-
standers to complete the panel and there came J.C. Haile who
was accepted, and now the panel of the jury being complete there
came as Jurors in this cause R.Y. Tate, J.M. Turner W.G. Sanders
Henry Parish A.J. Feaster and J.C. Haile who were duly empaneled
and sworn to well and truly try the issue between the State of Florida
and the Defendant according to the evidence and the Jury
aforesaid after hearing the evidence, the argument of Counsel and
Charge of the Court retired to consider of their verdict and after
due consideration thereof they returned into open Court and rendered
the following verdict to wit:
We the Jury find the defendant not guilty
                            J.C. Haile
Annie Adler Ex rel }
State of Florida   }
     vs            } Bastardy
Charley Thomas     }
                 And now this cause is dismissed on motion of
defendant for want of prosecution.

In re
            of the application of T.H. Sprinkle to be allowed to practice }
      law in the Circuit Courts of the state of Florida                   }
         Now comes T.H. Sprinkle Esq a practicing attorney in the Courts
of the State of North Carolina by Horatio Davis Atty and moves the Court
to be allowed to practice law in the Circuit Courts of the State of Florida.
                             T.H. Sprinkle
                          By Horatio Davis Atty
The foregoing motion was presented this 16th Decr 1897 & being Satisfied
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 1 March 2015
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