Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 540
        Fall Term A.D. 1897
          Thursday December 16th 1897
that T.H. Sprinkle has been admitted to practice law by the supreme Court of
North Carolina he having Exhibited his license from said Court it is ordered that
the motion be granted & that T.H. Sprinkle be admitted to practice law in the Courts
of this State upon his taking the oath required by law to be administered by the
Clerk of this Court.     In open Court
                                      W.A. Hocker
The State of North Carolina
                     To the several Courts of this State
                               Thomas Holton Sprinkle
have applied to the undersigned Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme
Court to be Examined with the view to be admitted to practice as an Attorney and
Counsellor at Law in said Courts. We do Certify that he hath produced before us
such sufficient testimonials of his upright Character and upon examination before
us has been found to possess such competent Knowledge of the Law as entitle him
to be so admitted.
             Given under our hands at Raleigh the 4th day of February 1895
                                             W.T. Faircloth           Chief Justice
                                             A.C. Avery               Associate Justice
                                             Walter Clark             Associate Justice
Tax Paid $20.                                D.W. Furches             Associate Justice
                                             Walter N. Montgomery     Associate Justice

Thos Kenan
This is to certify that T.H. Sprinkle in open Court before His Honor O.P.
Mears Judge Presiding of the Circuit Criminal Court for Mecklenburg County
North Carolina took the oath of Allegiance to the State and to the United
States to support their Constitution as in such cases made and provided and
upon the taking of such oaths it was ordered by the Court that the said
T.H. Sprinkle act as an atty during his good behavior. All this done at
April term A.D. 1895 of said Court
                           W.W. Phifer
                           Clerk Circuit C.C.
Whereupon Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at Nine O'clock

               Friday December 17th 1897
The Court met pursuant to adjournment of yesterday his Honor
W.A. Hocker Judge presiding.
               And now the grand Jury came into open
Court and made the following report, to wit:
State of Florida }        Indictment for
         vs      }  Larceny of a hog
William Thwaite  }  A true bill
State witnesses                  Orville B. Bailey
Reuben Dogan, Ben Morgan & A.R. Scruggs     Foreman of Grand Jury     
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 8 December 2014
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