Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 542
                       Fall Term AD 1897
                 Friday December 17th 1897
Hocker Judge and the seal of our said Court this 17th day
of December 1897
              H.C. Denton
  (seal)           Clerk Cir. Court

And now comes L.W. Fennell Sheriff of Alachua and returns
the Venire as having been executed by summoning in person the
following named persons, viz; J.B. Warren M.B. Sanders W.M.
Johnson, R.M. Stewart J. Wertheim, J.W. Riggs L.T. Roux,
M.S. Cheves, D.J. Richbourg, T.N. Gardner, J.R. Sanchez A.J. DaCosta
J.O. Andrews, E.B. Barry, T.J. Sweringen, Albert Endel, Alex
Avera, W.J. Knight, W.O. Tison and J.A. Cox.
Whereupon for good and sufficient cause shown the Court
excused T.J. Swearingen, J.R. Sanchez and L.T. Roux from
further attendance upon the Court

State of Florida }
      vs         } order appointing stenographer
Moses Sullivan   }
                 Come now the State and defendant by their
respective Counsel and represent to the Court that the foregoing
is a trial of an indictment for murder in the first degree;
that the trial of said cause will be expedited and expense
saved by the employment of a stenographer to take the testimony
therein, and suggest to the Court the name of L.C. Brown
for appointment as such -
               Whereupon the Court upon considering the
foregoing appointed L.C. Brown as Stenographer of this Court
to take and report the evidence in above cause, and directed the
Clerk to swear in L.C. Brown as such stenographer which was ac-
cordingly done.

State of Florida } Syd L. Carter & N.M. Allred
     vs          } Murder in the First degree
Moses Sullivan   } B.A. Thrasher and Evans Haile
             And now on this day this cause came on to be
heard and Syd L. Carter State Attorney and N.M. Allred assistant
State Attorney prosecuting in the name and by the authority of the
State of Florida and the prisoner Moses Sullivan being now in
open Court in his proper person as well as by his attorneys B.A.
Thrasher and Evans Haile Esqrs and now the prisoner being brought
to the bar herein under the custody of L.W. Fennell Sheriff of Alachua
County to which Sheriff he is likewise committed was demanded
how he would acquit himself of the charge against him saith that
he is not guilty of the charge as alleged in the indictment against
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 1 March 2015
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