Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 544
                      Fall Term AD 1897
                 Friday December 17th 1897
Commissioners to serve as Jurors for the year 1897, each for himself
to be and personally appear before the Judge of our Circuit Court
at the Court House in the City of Gainesville Florida on Monday
the 20th day of December 1897 at the hour of Nine O'clock of the
forenoon of said day to serve as Petit jurors for the second week
of this the Fall Term of said Court A.D. 1897, to wit"
1 J.T. Fleming, 2 A.F. Miller, 3 William Curry 4 S.D. Tillman, 5 A.L. King
6 M.L. Wood 7 W.L. Jackson, 8 Isaac Guinn 9 J.S. Bell 10 J.W. Raulerson
11 W.C. Bevan and 12 Lewis Kinsey
       Witness the Hon W.A. Hocker Judge and the seal of our said
Circuit Court this 17th day of December AD 1897
                             H.C. Denton
                             Clerk Circuit Court
Whereupon the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9-O'clock

               Saturday December 18th 1897
Court met pursuant to adjournment of yesterday his Honor
W.A. Hocker judge presiding.
            And now the Grand Jury came into open Court
and made the following report, to wit:
State of Florida } Indictment for
       vs        } Larceny of Cows
Cain Perry       } A True Bill
                        Orville B. Bailey
state witnesses,                      Foreman of Grand Jury
A.J. Pouncy Cal Gooden C.J. Wilkerson
Richard Henry & Towney Kennard.

State of Florida }    Indictment for
      vs         } Assault with intent to murder
Nathan Lee       } A True Bill
                       Orville B. Bailey
state witnesses,                 Foreman of Grand Jury
Shack Branch & Bettis Geter

State of Florida } Indictment for assault with intent to murder
    vs           } A True Bill
Annie Fisher     }              Orville B. Bailey
                                    Foreman of Grand Jury
State Witnesses, Catherin Sams & J.M. Redfin
State of Florida } Indictment for
        vs       } Murder in the first degree
George Howard    } A True Bill
State witnesses,                Orville B. Bailey Foreman Grand Jury
W.K. Lynn, Taylor White & Frank Berry.

Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 7 March 2015
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