Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 546
                  Fall Term Ad 1897
                    Saturday December 18th 1899
                         In the Circuit Court 5th Judicial Circuit of Fla
                             For Alachua County
To the Judge of said Circuit Court
                    Your petitioner respectfully represents that he is a citizen of
the State of Florida residing within this Judicial Circuit, and that he is over the age 
of twenty one years, and is desirous of obtaining a license to practice law in the several
circuits of this state; That an afidavit is herewith filed showing that he is of good moral
character and that he therefore prays that your honor will examine into his qualifications
to so practice and if found qualified that a license be granted him,
and he will ever pray &c
                                 L.J. Clyatt
                Filed Dec 15th 1897  W.A. Hocker Judge
State of Florida }
Alachua County   } This day personally appeared before me J.A. Ammons who being
duly sworn says that he is well acquainted with L.J. Clyatt and that the said
Clyatt is a man of good moral character and is over the age of twenty one years
Sworn to and subscribed before me this  }          J.A. Ammons
15th day of December AD 1897            }
(seal)      E.E. Voyle                  }
           Notary Public State of       }
           Florida at Large             }
In re
           of the application of L.J. Clyatt for a license to practice law }
             in the several Circuits of this State                         }
From press of business now pending before me as Circuit Judge it being
inconvenient for me to personally examine L.J. Clyatt as to his qualifications
to practice law in the several Circuits of this State, and it appearing
from satisfactory evidence before me, that said Clyatt is a man of good moral
character, and over the age of twenty one years it is adjudged and ordered
that Judge Horatio Davis and S.Y. Finley Esqs members of the bar of this Circuit
shall examine into the qualifications of said to so practice law and upon
such examination shall report to this Court the result thereof
  Done and ordered this 15th day of December AD 1897
                                W.A. Hocker
Filed Decr 15th 1897     W.A. Hocker
                   In the Circuit Court 5th Judicial Circuit of Fla }
                               For Alachua County                   }
In re
     of the Application of L.J. Clyatt }
   for License to practice law         }
                  To the Hon Judge of said Circuit Court
The undersigned members of the bar appointed by your Honor to examine
L.J. Clyatt as to his qualifications to practice law in the several Circuits
of this state have the honor to report that after being duly sworn they
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 7 March 2015
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