Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 547
                  Fall Term AD 1897
                    Saturday December 18th 1897
examined the said Clyatt and that he passed a very creditable examination
and is qualified to practice law, and they therefore recommend that a license
be granted him to so practice in the several Circuits of this State
                              Horatio Davis
                                 S.Y. Finley
December 17th 1897
              On reading and considering the foregoing report it is
adjudged and ordered that the petitioner L.J. Clyatt be granted a license to
practice law in the several Courts of this State and that this order be
entered upon the minutes of this Court
Decr 18th 1897                    W.A. Hocker
  Filed in open Court this December 18th 1897
                          H.C. Denton
                              Clerk Circuit Court
Whereupon in open Court H.C. Denton clerk of this Court administered
to the petitioner L.J. Clyatt the usual oath

Whereupon the Court adjourned until Monday morning next at
Nine O'Clock.

              Monday December 20th 18978
Court met pursuant to adjournment of Saturday last his Honor
W.A. Hocker Judge presiding.
                  And now comes L.W. Fennell Sheriff of
Alachua County and returns the venire issued by the Clerk of this
Court for twelve persons to serve as jurors for this the second week
of the present term of this Court as having been executed by sum-
moning the following named persons, to wit: J.T. Fleming, William
Curry, S.D. Tillman, A.L. King, W.L. Jackson, Isaac Guinn, J.S.
Bell, J.W. Raulerson, W.C. Bevan and Lewis Kinsey in person,
A.F. Miller and M.L. Wood not to be found in the county.
Whereupon for good and sufficient cause shown the Court excused
J.T. Fleming and W.C. Bevan from further attendance upon the
State of Florida }
      vs         } Murder
Richard James    }
            This cause having been set for trial tomorrow morning
at Nine O'Clock and there being only eight jurors present from
which to select a jury the Court ordered the Clerk to issue a venire
directed to the Sheriff of Alachua County commanding him to
summon from the body of the County at large fifteen persons qualified
to serve as jurors, as a special jury from which to complete the panel
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 7 March 2015
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