Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 548
                Fall Term AD 1897
             Monday December 20th 1897
for the trial of the above stated case, said venire returnable at
Nine O'clock AM December 31st 1897.
  Whereupon the Clerk issued the following Venire as by the
Court directed viz:
              The State of Florida:
                             To L.W. Fennell Sheriff of
Alachua County, Greeting:
                        You are hereby commanded to summon
from the body of the County at large fifteen good and lawful
men qualified to serve as jurors each for himself to be and per-
sonally appear before the Judge of our Circuit Court at the Court
House in the City of Gainesville Alachua County Florida from
which to complete the panel of the jury in the case of the State
of Florida vs Richard James, charged with murder said
venire returnable on Tuesday the 21st day of December 1897
Nine O'clock A.M.
            Witness the Hon W.A. Hocker Judge and the seal of
our said Circuit Court this 20th day of December AD 1897
                                    H.C. Denton
State of Florida }                     Clerk Circuit Court
      vs         } Breaking and entering with
Harry Debose     } intent to commit a Misdemeanor
               And now this cause came on to be heard Syd L. Carter
State Attorney prosecuting in the name and by the authority of the State
of Florida and the prisoner Harry Debose appearing in Open Court
in his proper person was arraigned and upon his arraignment saith
that he is guilty as the indictment alleges against him.

State of Florida }
      vs         } Sentence
Harmon Hathcox   }
              And now the prisoner appearing in open Court for
sentence was demanded if he had anything to say why the sentence of the law
should not be passed upon him saith nothing; Whereupon the Court sentenced
the prisoner in manner and form as follows, to wit:
The sentence of the law is that you Harmon Hathcox do pay a fine of
Fifteen Dollars and cost of prosecution and in default of the payment
thereof within ten days that you be imprisoned in the County Jail for four
months at hard labor

State of Florida                      }
       vs                             } Action to recover on bond
Phillip Warren Defendant and          }
A.S. Hutchinson & H.C. Cato, sureties }
                                And now this cause is dismissed.
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 8 March 2015
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