Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 550
                          Fall Term AD 1897
                           Monday December 20th 1897
of Alachua County: and it appearing to the Court that heretofore to wit: on the 22nd day
of May AD 1895 in the County aforesaid the said above named sureties O.C. Smith and
Timothy Smith entered into a bond for the appearance of the defendant C.B. Easterlin at
the then next term of this Court to answer an indictment for false swearing, and
not to depart the same without leave; and it further appearing that at said term
of this Court the said sureties above named were called on in Open Court to produce the
body of the said C.B. Easterlin, he then and there failing to appear in accordance
with the said bond and that said sureties being so called then and there failed
to produce the body of the said C.B. Easterlin; that certificate and notice as required
by the statute in such case provided were duly made, and that said notice was
more than thirty days before this term to which same was and is returnable served
on the said sureties above named; and now on this hearing not sufficient cause for
the default of the said C.B. Easterlin the principal in said bond in complying with
its condition being shown to the Court by the said sureties; and all said
premises being seen and to the Court appearing in consideration thereof it is
considered that the said plaintiff the state of Florida for the use and benefit of
the County of Alachua ought to have and recover of and from the said sureties
on said bond the penalty thereof, to wit: Two Hundred Dollars.
It is therefore considered and adjudged that the said plaintiff, the State of
Florida for the use and benefit of the County of Alachua, do have and recover
of and from the said Sureties O.C. Smith and Timothy Smith the said sum of
Two Hundred Dollars and the costs of this proceeding taxed by the Clerk of this
Court at Seventeen & 43/100 ($17.43)           Dollars and that Execution
do issue upon this Judgment and be executed in the same manner and have the
same force and effect as other Executions now issued at law.
In open Court Gaines Florida 20th December AD 1897
                                  W.A. Hocker

                   In the Circuit Court 5th Judicial Circuit of
                   Florida Alachua County Fall Term AD 1897
State of Florida for the use Etc        }
                   Plaintiff            }
           vs                           } Judgment on Estreated bond
Phillip Warren Defdt                    }
and                                     }
C.B. Easterlin and G.M. Wright sureties }
                      This matter coming to be heard on this day on motion
of the States Attorney for final Judgment in favor of the state of Florida for
the use and benefit of the County of Alachua against the said C.B. Easterlin
and G.M. Wright sureties in above mentioned bond and it appearing to the
court that heretofore to wit: on the 4th day of February AD 1897 in the
county aforesaid the said above named Sureties Entered into a bond for the
appearance of the defendant Phillip Warren conditioned to be void upon
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 8 March 2015
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