Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 552
                            Fall Term AD 1897
                     Monday December 20th 1897
upon his arraignment saith that he is not guilty of the
charge as alleged in the indictment herein against him and for
good and evil he puts himself upon God and the Country for
trial, whereupon a jury was called and there came S.D. Tillman
A.L. King, W.L. Jackson and now the regular panel of the jury
being exhausted by reason of challenge and otherwise the court
ordered the Sheriff to summon three persons from the bystanders
to complete the panel and there came, A.S. Hutchinson A.J.
DaCosta & M.S. Cheves who were accepted and now the panel
of the jury being complete there came as jurors int his cause,
S.D. Tillman, A.L. King, W.L. Jackson, A.S. Hutchinson, A.J.
DaCosta and M.S. Cheves who were duly empaneled and sworn
to well and truly try the issue between the state of Florida and the
defendant according to the evidence and the Jury aforesaid after
hearing the evidence the argument of Counsel and the charge of
the Court retired to consider of their verdict and after due
consideration thereof they returned into open Court and rendered
the following verdict, to wit: We the jury find the Defendant not
guilty, Dec 20, 1897
                A.S. Hutchinson

Whereupon Court Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at
Nine O'clock

              Tuesday December 21st 1897
Court met pursuant to adjournment of yesterday his Honor
W.A. Hocker Judge presiding.
                      And now comes L.W. Fennell Sheriff
of Alachua County and returns the Special Venire for the
fifteen persons, issued by the Clerk herein on yesterday from
which to complete the panel of the Jury in the case of the state
of Florida vs Richard James as having been executed by sum-
moning the following named persons to wit: Geo W. Sanderson
W.N. Wilson, W.S. Dorsey, S.V. Duke, H. Pinkoson, S.J. Burnett
J.R. Eddins, F.M. Cellon, Henry Milliner, A.M. Cushman, T.W.
Dawkins, W.D. Tillman, C.Y. Crawford, J.F. Bartleson & Arch Jackson

State of Florida }
        vs       } Entering without breaking a store building
Bogue Parrish    } with intent to commit a misdemeanor
               And now this cause came on to be heard Syd L. Carter
State Attorney prosecuting in the name and by the authority of the 
State of Florida and the prisoner appearing in open Court in his
proper person was arraigned and upon his arraignment saith that
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 8 March 2015
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