Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 553
                      Fall Term AD 1897
                  Tuesday December 21st 1897
he is guilty as charged in the indictment. The defendant being a
poor boy without father or mother about eleven years old and
appearing to be penitent the Court suspended sentence during good
State of Florida }
      vs         } Larceny of a domestic animal
John W. Bass     }
              And now this cause is Nol prossed by the State

State of Florida }
       vs        } Larceny of Cows
Cain Perry       }
              And now this cause is continued on application of

State of Florida } Syd L. Carter & N.M. Allred
    vs           } Murder
Richard James    } W.S. Broome
               And now this cause came on to be heard Syd L. Carter
State Attorney and N.M. Allred assistant State Attorney prose-
cuting in the name and by the authority of the State of Florida
and the prisoner Richard James being now in Open Court in his prop-
er person as well as by his attorney W.S. Broome, and now the prisoner
being brought to bar herein under the custody of L.W. Fennell Sheriff
of Alachua County to which Sheriff he is likewise committed
was forthwith demanded how he would acquit himself of the
charge against him saith that he is not guilty of the charges as alleged
in the indictment^against him and for good and evil he puts
himself upon God and the Country for trial, Whereupon a
jury was called and there came A.L. King, W.L. Jackson,
J.S. Bell, J.W. Raulerson, Geo W. Sanderson T.W. Dawkins, W.D.
Tillman, J.F. Bartleson and now the regular panel and the special
panel summoned to complete the jury in this cause being exhausted
by reason of challenge and otherwise the Court ordered the Clerk to
issue a special venire directed to the Sheriff, commanding him to summon
fifteen persons from the bystanders or from the body of the County at large
returnable instanter,
^as a further special jury from which to complete the panel of the jury
in this cause, Whereupon the Sheriff returned seven jurors from which
was selected the following named persons, A.B. Simmons R.H. Ward
G.T. Kennard and W.D. Cauthen who were accepted, and now the
panel of the jury being complete there came as jurors in this cause
A.l. King W.L. Jackson J.S. Bell J.W. Raulerson Geo W. Sanderson
T.W. Dawkins, W.D. Tillman J.F. Bartleson, A.B. Simmons
R.H. Ward G.T. Kennard and W.D. Cauthen who were duly empaneled
and sworn to well and truly try and true deliverance make between
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 8 March 2015
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