Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 555
                               Fall Term AD 1897
                           Wednesday December 22nd 1897
            by the authority of the State of Florida and the defendant ap-
            pearing in Open Court in his proper person as also the Jury
            which had been empaneled and sworn herein on yesterday,
            viz: S.D. Tillman, A.L. King, W.L. Jackson, J.S. Bell J.W. Raul-
            erson and H.L. Smith the hearing of this cause was resumed.
            And the Jury aforesaid after hearing the evidence and the charge
            of the Court retired to consider of their verdict and after due
            consideration thereof they returned into open Court and ren-
            dered the following verdict, to wit: We the Jury find the
            Defendant not guilty so say we all
                                        W.L. Jackson
            Gainesville Dec 22d 1897.           Foreman

            State of Florida }
                   vs        } Assault with intent to murder
            Annie Fisher     }
                           And now this came on to be heard Syd. L.
            Carter State Attorney prosecuting in the name and by the
            authority of the State of Florida and the prisoner Annie
            Fisher appearing in Open Court in her proper person was
            arraigned and upon her arraignment saith that she is not
            guilty of assault with intent to murder, but that she is
            guilty of aggravated assault, which plea was accepted by
            the Court, Whereupon the Court sentenced the prisoner as
            as follows; The sentence of the law is that you Annie Fisher
(sentence)  do pay a fine of Twenty Five Dollars and Cost of prosecu-
            tion and in default of the payment thereof or of giving bond
            for same within that time that you be imprisoned in the County
            Jail for six months at hard labor.

            State of Florida }
                   vs        } Assault with intent to murder
            Crocket Kite     } 
                            Upon the calling of this cause for trial the
            defendant failed to appear, Whereupon defendant's bondsmen
            being thrice called and failing to produce the body of defendant
            in Court as they obligated to do, thereupon the defendants bond
            was ordered estreated and an alias capias ordered issued for
            the Defendant.
            Charles Hicks and Walter Hicks }
                          appellants       }
                     vs                    }
            The state of Florida Appellee  }
                         And now comes Syd L. Carter State Attorney and Chas L.
            Fildes prosecuting attorney in and for said state and County and moves
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 8 March 2015
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