Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 557
              Fall Term A.D. 1897
          Wednesday December 22nd 1897
by the neck until you are dead; And may God have mercy on your
soul -
       Whereupon the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning
at Nine O'clock

         Thursday December 23td 1897
Court met pursuant to adjournment of yesterday his Honor
W.A. Hocker Judge presiding

                          In the Circuit Court Alachua County Florida

George Filfie          }
      vs               }       Judgment
The City of Gainesville}
                   This cause came up on appeal from a Judgement of the Mayors
Court the Court having considered the same, finds that there was error in the
Judgement entered by the Mayor there being no affidavit nor warrant against
the defendant charging him with any offense. The evidence shows that the
appellant was selling his own goods and was not required to take out a license
as auctioneer. The Judgement is in an amount not authorized or warranted
by law and is illegal in that it imposes imprisonment for ---         days
It is therefore ordered considered and adjudged that said Judgement of the
Mayors Court be set aside and reversed, and that Appellee pay to the Appelant
any and all moneys paid by him on account of said Judgement
And it is further ordered that Appellee pay all costs accrued in this cause
including the costs of this appeal   Decr 23rd 1897
                                W.A. Hocker
State of Florida }
         vs      }  Sentence
Harry Debose     }
             And now the prisoner being in open Court for sentence was
demanded if he had anything to say why the sentence of the law should
not be passed upon him, saith nothing, Whereupon the Court sentenced the
prisoner as follows, The sentence of the law is that you Harry Debose do
pay a fine of Fifty Dollars and cost of prosecution and in default of the
payment thereof or giving bond for the same within twenty days that you
be imprisoned by confinement in the County Jail for Eight months
at hard labor
  And now the Grand Jury came into open Court and made the
following report to wit

State of Florida }
        vs       }
T. Kennard       }  No Bill
                           Orville B. Bailey  Foreman
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 12 February 2014
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