Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record A
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Deed Book A Page 131
The State of Florida 
Alachua County
                 This indenture made the nineteenth day of 
April in the year one Thousand Eight hundred and forty nine 
Between John J. Sanchez administrator of Francis R. 
Sanchez Deceased and John B. Standly all of the County 
and State first above written. Witnesseth, That whereas 
Francis R. Sanchez in his life time in and by a certain 
Contract and agreement in writing in the words and figures 
following, Received Newnansville March 20th 1841, of John 
B. Standly, Seven hundred and Sixty dollars, in full for the 
tract of land Known as the Tyner Place, on the Waccassasa, 
and I do obligate myself to give the said Standly legal titles 
for the Same, so soon as I obtain patents from the government 
for the same. Given under my hand this 20th day of March 1841. 
Signed in the presence of W.D. Branch, A.B. Sanchez, 
Francis R. Sanchez, agree and bind himself to make legal 
titles to the said tract of land. The Same being the tract of 
land mentioned hereafter in this deed and described in the 
certificate No. 370,, under the hand of John Tyler, President of 
the United States, and under the Seal of the General land office 
on the 10th day of July, in the year One Thousand eight 
hundred and forty four, Now therefore I the Said 
John J. Sanchez as administrator of Francis R. Sanchez 
deceased in consideration of the above agreement and by virtue 
of my Said Administration, do bargain sell and convey to 
the Said John B. Standly and his heirs, the following 
described tract of land situated in the County of Alachua 
and State aforesaid to wit; The West half of the South 
East quarter of Section five in township Ten South of 
Range fifteen East, which is the tract of land designated 
in said agreement, in writing before alluded to as the 
Tyner Place on the Waccassassa containing eighty acres, to 
have and to hold to the Said John B. Standly(sic), his heirs, and 
assigns the aforesaid tract of land, Together with all the 
appurtenances and hereditaments appertaining thereto in as full and
ample a manner as I the said John J. Sanhez, administrator 
as aforesaid am impowered and required by virtue of 
my Said administration to convey & assign the same and 
I the Said John J. Sanchez as administrator aforesaid doth 
covenant, promise and grant to and with the Said John B. 
Standly, his heirs, Executors, administrators, and assigns. 
Transcribed by Elaine Campbell 3 September 2001
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