Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record A
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Deed Book A Page 134
Whereas Isaiah D. Hart did on the twenty sixth day of December
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty
two, convery by deed in writing unto Ossian B. Hart in
trust for Mary A. Andrews a certain lot or parcel of land
containing one quarter of an acre, or one hundred and five feet 
square, situate lying and being in the Town of Jacksonville
Duval County State of Florida and bounded as follows, that is to
say, on the North by Adams Street, on the East by lot number 
five, on the south by lot number one, all in square number
eleven, and on the west by Ocean Street. And whereas said
lot among other property was conveyed on the day aforesaid, for
the sole use and benefit of the aforesaid Mary W. Andrews, and
the heirs of her body.   And whereas the aforesaid Mary
A. Andrews now resides in Alachua County in the State
aforesaid and does not expect to return to Jacksonville to
live again.   And whereas application has been made to
me the aforesaid Ossian B. Hart Trustee as aforesaid, to sell
the aforesaid lot or parcel of land, that the proceeds thereof could
be vested in other property for the use and benefit of the aforesaid
Mary A. Andrews as aforesaid, to wit, cattle.   Now therefore
this Indenture made this sixteenth day of August, in the year
of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty seven, Between 
Ossian B. Hart at present of Munro County City of Key West 
and State aforesaid, and Trustee as aforesaid of the one part, and
Isaiah D. Hart of the Town of Jacksonville Duval County and
State aforesaid of the other part.  Witnesseth that the said Ossian
B. Hart as Trustee as aforesaid for and in consideration of the sum of
one hundred and fifty dollars money of the United States to him
by the said Isaiah D. Hart in hand paid the receipt whereof the
said Ossian B. Hart doth hereby acknowledge:   Hath granted, bargained,
sold and conveyed, and by these presents, doth grant bargain sell and
convey with the said Isaiah D. Hart, his heirs and assigns, a certain lot
or parcel of land containing one quarter of an acre, or one hundred and
five feet square, situate lying and being in the Town of Jacksonville
Duval County and State aforesaid and known on the plan or plat of
said town as lot number four, and bounded as folllows, that is to say,
on the north by Adams Street, on the East by lot number five, on
the south by lot number one, all in square number eleven, and on 
the west by Osian Street. To have and to hold the said
lot or parcel of land with the appurtenances thereto belonging to him
the said Isaiah D. Hart his heirs and assigns forever, and the said
Ossian B. Hart as Trustee as aforesaid, for himself, his heirs, executors
Transcribed by Murray D. Laurie 1 October 2001
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