Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record A
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annexed were by me, Clerk of the Circuit Court for said County
of Duval duly recorded in the public Records of said
County in my office
  (Seal)   In Witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and
           affix the Seal of said Court
                                            Oscar Hart Clerk
                  Recorded May this 4th May A.D. 1849
                                    Robt. Youngblood

Whereas Moses E. Levy as one of the tenants in common in
and with proprietors of the Arredondo Grant was entitled to
bid at a sale of said Grant begun and held at Micanopy
Alachua County on the twenty first day of February
one Thousand Eight hundred and forty nine under the
direction of George M. Payne, James Child and William
A. Forward Commissioners, appointed under and by virtue of
a decree issuing out of, and pronounced by the court of
the Eastern judicial Circuit of Florida for the County
of St. Johns, pronounced at the November term one
Thousand Eight hundred and forty Eight and whereas at
said sale the Said Moses E. Levy, bid off and became the
purchaser of section thirty six of Township Eleven, Range
twenty as designated and laid down upon the map of said
Arredondo grant, Said Section containing six hundred and
fifty three acres, Now be it Known that the Said Moses
E. Levy, for and in consideration of the Sum of five hundred
dollars to him in hand paid by Horace Merry, at and before
Sealing, and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged, hath granted, bargained, Sold, transferred, and
conveyed, and by these presents doth, grant, bargain, sell,
transfer, and convey unto him the Said Horace Merry his
heirs or assigns the one half, being, the South half of said
Section thirty six of Township Eleven Range twenty, said
one half supposed to contain three hundred and twenty
Six and a half acres of land same more or less
To have and to hold said above named and described tract or
parcel of land, together with all and singular the rights
members and appurtenances thereof or to the same
Transcribed by Elaine Campbell 2 October 2001
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