Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record A
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Deed Book A Page 144
To all whom these presents Shall come
     Whereas by an act of the General Assembly of the State
of Florida approved January the 11th 1849, it is made the
duty of Tax Collectors in certain cases to buy in for the State
land Sold for Taxes, and to convey the Same to the Register of
Public lands and his Successors in Office. And whereas for
default in the payment of Taxes due on the Tract of land hereinafter
described, the Same having been duly advertised as the law directs
was Sold on the fifth day of February A.D. 1849 at the
Court House of Levy County when the undersigned George H.
Tresper Tax Collector for the County of Levy (no person
bidding a sum sufficient to pay the Taxes and expenses due
thereon) did buy in the said tract of land in the name on
behalf of the State of Florida
     Now Therefore by virtue, and in consideration
of the premises, I the aforesaid George H. Tresper tax collector
party of the first part have granted Sold, and conveyed, and by 
these presents, do grant sell, and convey, unto John Beard
Register of Public lands for the State of Florida, and to his
successors in office of the second Part, all that tract of land
herein before referred to, belonging, or Suppose to belong to the
Estate of James Lynch, and lying in Levy County, and
described as follows Viz- The South west quarter of the South west
of Section Seven, Township Sixteen, Range nineteen, and the
North West quarter of the North West quarter of Section
Eighteen, Township Sixteen, Range Nineteen South and
East, containing Eighty Acres~ To have and to hold the
aforesaid tract of land and every part thereof with its
appurtenances, unto the said Party of the Second part, and
his Successors as aforesaid, for Such uses and purposes as the General
Assembly of Said State have prescribed, or Shall hereafter
prescribe by law,
             Witness my hand and Seal this thirty first day
             of May A.D. One Thousand Eight hundred
             and forty nine
Witness                                            George H. Tresper (Seal)
John Waterston
Walter C. Tresper

Personally appeared before me the undersigned Justice of the
Peace in and for the County of Levy, John Waterston, one
of the Subscribing witnesses to the foregoing Deed of Conveyance
and after being duly Sworn, deposeth and Says that Land
Transcribed by Elaine Campbell 2 October 2001
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