Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record A
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Deed Book A Page 145
George H. Tresper, Sign and Seal the foregoing Deed of conveyance
for the purposes therein mentioned, and that he signed the same
as a witness, and that the Same was executed in the presence of
the other Subscribing witness
Sworn to and Subscribed
before me this 31st day                            John Waterston
of May A.D. 1849
J.F. Barnes J.P.
Levy County
                    Recorded this 5th day of June 1849
                                   Robt Youngblood

State of Florida
Alachua County
                  This Indenture made this sixteenth day
of June eighteen hundred and forty nine, between James H.
Smith of the County and State aforesaid of the first part,
and William Dell of the County of Alachua aforesaid of the
other part; Witnesseth, that whereas a marriage has here-
tofore been had and Solemnized between Mary formerly Mary
Thomas, now Mary Smith, and the Said part of the first
part Jas.H. Smith, and whereas the Said Jas.H. Smith
and the Said Mary hath begotten the following named
children viz; Wm.F. Bryan, Lavenia, Fanny, James,
Hampton, Milton, Florida, America, & Curling Smith,
and whereas the Said Jas.H. Smith of the first part is
legally possessed in his own right and title} the following
named and described property, viz; One Negro man named
Jim, one Negro woman named Sarah, together with
four children Monday, Moses, Mary, and Stephen also
the following land to wit; The S.W. 1/4 of the S.E. 1/4 of
Section one, & N.W. 1/4 of N.E. 1/4 Section (12) and S.E. 1/4 of
S.W. 1/4 Section one, all of Township (8) Range (19) also one
Bay mare two year old, and Sorrel mare five years old
also one hundred and Sixty head of stock Cattle, in the
following marks and brands, viz; Same crop and Split in
one ear, the other ear whole, Branded with a heart and figure
2, same in the same mark Branded 22, Same crop and split
Transcribed by Elaine Campbell 3 October 2001
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