Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record A
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Deed Book A Page 146
In one ear, the other ear croped off. Branded with a heart
and figure 2, and DIL also one hundred and twenty five
head of hogs more or less, and being free from all debts
and liabilities to any person whomsoever of whatever
character, and fortune are uncertain, and the probabilities
of loss many, therefore in consideration of the love and
affection which he the Said Jas.H. of the first part
hath and has towards his Said wife Mary, and his said
children, as well as other good and valuable considerations
him hereunto moving, and being desirous and for the
purpose of making a Suitable provision for his
said wife Mary, and his Said Children above named, is
minded and disposed to Set over and transfer to the Said
William Dell of the Second part, all the above mentioned
named and described property, and the increase thereof
for the uses and purposes, and upon the conditions and lim-
atation hereinafter set fourth and expressed. NOW THEREFORE
in consideration of the premises, and for the further consider-
ation of five dollars to the Said Jas.H. Smith of the first
part in hand paid by the Said William Dell of the Second
part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the said
party of the first Part doth herby assign, transfer, and
set over to the Said party of the Second Part, his Executors,
Administrators and assigns, all the above mentioned named
and described poperty, to hold the same the Said William
Dell his Executors, Administrators, and assigns upon Special
Trust, to the use and benefit of the Said Mary for and during
her natural life, and pay over or cause to be paid over to
the Said Mary all the increase, rents, incomes, or dividens
arising from or out of the said trust property, for her own
Sole use and benefit and after the death of the said Mary
the whole of the Said trust property, and the increase thereof
Shall vest immediately and absolutely and without any
restriction limitation or condition in the aforesaid named
children, for their own proper use and benefit and enjoyment
forever, Provided nevertheless, that in case the Said Mary
Shall Survive the Said Jas.H. her Husband, and Shall after-
wards marry a Second Husband, then and in that case, the
aforesaid mentioned and described property Shall immediately
vest as aforesaid in the above named Children upon Said Second
marriage, and in case of further issue of the Said Mary by her
Present husband Jas.H. Smith, the Said Issue to Share all
equal proportion of Said trust Property with the above named
Transcribed by Elaine Campbell 3 October 2001
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