Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record A
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State of Florida
Putnam County     On this 16th day of May 1849, before me
personally appeared Charles W. Brush who acknowledged he
executed the above instrument of writing, for himself, and
as attorney for Eugene Van Ness, for the purposes therein mentioned
and I certify that I know them to be the individuals described
in and who executed the same.
                                               S. Glinski
                                                Justice of the Peace
  I certify that S. Glinski is a Justice of the Peace in and
for the County of Putnam and commissioned and qualified
and that the above signatue is genuine.
(SEAL)   Witness my hand and private (no seal of office
      yet beiing provided) this 16th day of May 1849.
                                            F. W. Sams
                                            Clerk Circuit Court
                                                  Putnam County
                        Recorded July 9th 1849
                                 Robt. Youngblood

Know men by these presents, that I, Louis Aldrich
of Alachua county, Florida, in consideration of the sum
of four hundred and sixteen dollars to me in hand paid by
George L. Brown of said county, do hereby grant, bargain, and
sell, unto the said George L. Brown the following tract of land
situate in said county containing two hundred and thirty nine
acres, and eighty ttwo hundredths of an acre, more or less, known
as the West half of the North Wast quarter, and the East half
of the North West quarer, and the East half of the South
West quarter in Section eleven (11) Township seven (7)
of Range eighteen (18) to have and hold said tract of land
with all appurtenances and improvements, in and to the said
George L. Brown his heirs and assigns forever.
And I the said Louis Aldrich for myself, my heirs, executors
and administrators do hereby covenant and agree to and with the
said george L. Brown his heirs and assigns, that I will warrant
Transcribed by Murray D. Laurie 13 October 2001
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