Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record A
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containing four acres more or less, together with all buildings and
improvements thereupon, and all the rights, privileges, and
appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining.
   To have and to hold the said lots of land and the buildings
and improvements thereon, and all the rights, privileges, appurtenances
and hereditaments thereunto belonging in any wise appertaining
to the said George L Brown, and to his heirs and assigns
forever.  And the said George M. Galpin does hereby covenant 
and agree to and with the said George L. Brown and his heirs
Executors administrators and assigns, that I am Seized of
a good and indefeasible estate of inheritance in fee simple,
in the aforegranted, and have good right to sell and convey the
same, and will and do, and my heirs Executors adminis-
trators shall warrant and defend the aforegranted premises
in the peaceable possession of the said George L Brown and his
heirs Executors administrators and assigns forever.
    Provided nevertheless, and the foregoing conveyance
is subject to the following condition, that whereas the said
George M Galpin is indebted to the said George L Brown
in and by virtue of three certain promissory notes, hereafter described
to wit: one note dated January 31st 1849 payable one day after
date to George L Brown or bearer - for the sum of three
hundred dollars and one note dated January 31st 1849 payable
one day after date to George L Brown or bearer for the sum
of two hundred and sixty two dollars and fifty cents, and 
one note dated June 11th 1849 payable one day after date
for the sum of four hundred and eighty seven dollars and thirty
eight cents to George L Brown or bearer.  Now if the
said George M Galpin shall pay or cause to be paid to
the said George L Brown or his heirs Executors, adminis-
trators, or assigns, the aforesaid sums of money mentioned
and described in said promissory notes on or before the first
day of January one thousand eight hundred and fifty (
1850) next ensuing the date of this mortgage together
with the interest which shall have accrued thereon,
then the foregoing deed to be absolutely null and void, otherwise
to be and remain in full force and virtue.
Signed with my hand and sealed with my seal this twenty second day of
June A D 1849
In presence of as Subsribing  }            George M Galpin (seal)
Witnesses hereto              }
   James A Bedin              }
   Robt Youngblood            }
Transcribed by Patricia Carter 30 March 2002
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