Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record A
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Deed Book A Page 157
James A. Peden, who being duly sworn according to law says that
he saw the foregoing instruments of writing executed by the said
George M. Galpin and Hannah E. Galpin his wife for the 
purposes therein mentioned and that he signed the same as a
  Sworn to and subscribed
before me this 31st day                        James A. Peden
of July A.D. 1849
      Robt. Youngblood
                             Recorded July 31st 1849

State of Florida
Alachua County
                      This indenture made this twenty sixth
day of March one thousand eight hundred & forty nine between
Moses E. Levy of the City of St. Augustine of the County of St. Johns
State of Florida of the one part and James L. Thomas of the
County of Alachua State of Florida of the second part.
  Witnesseth that the said Moses E. Levy for and in consideration
of the sum of One thousand & thirty two dollars to him in hand
paid at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents
hath granted, bargained, sold, transfered and conveyed, and by
these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, transfer, and convey, unto
James L. Thomas his heirs and assigns a certain tract
or parcel of land, situate lying and being in Alachua
County, State aforesaid, being parts of what are known as
lots number ten and eleven of a tract of Twenty thousand
acres of land granted by the Spanish Government to George
I.F. Clark, on or about the seventeenth day of December in
the year one thousand eight hundred & seventeen lying in the
Cascowilla and Chachola hammock, consigned by the Supreme
Court of the United State to Moses E. Levy, aforesaid, and
recently surveyed and located by the Commissioners appointed
to partition the Arredondo Grant under and by the virtue
of a decree of the Superior Court for the Eastern
District of Florida, pronounced at the June term 1845
Transcribed by Murray D. Laurie 20 October 2001
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