Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record A
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Deed Book A Page 159
And the Said Serafina Cheaveteau and the Said Joseph
DeLevante by Moses E. Levy their Attorney in fact hath hereunto
Set their hands and affixed their Seals the day and year
first above written
Signed Sealed & delivered                    M.E. Levy          (Seal)
in presence of                               Serefina Cheaveteau 
W.A. Carpenter                              by Mr. E. Levy atty (L.S.)
N.B. Stafford                                Joseph DeLevante 
                                             by Mr. E. Levy atty (L.S.)

State of Florida
Alachua County       Personally appeared before the
Undersigned Clerk of the Circuit court for the Counties of
Alachua & Levy Nathaniel B. Stafford who being duly Sworn
According to Law says that he saw the above named
Moses E. Levy Execute the foregoing instrument of writing
for the Purposes therein Expressed and that he Signed the
Same as a witness
Sworn to & Subscribed before me               N.B. Stafford
this 30th day of Augt 1849
Robt Youngblood Clerk
per Saml Russell Dept
                  Recorded 30th Augt 1849
                            Robt Youngblood Clerk
                               Saml Russell Dept Clk

     To all Whom these presents shall come, I Thomas
C. Ellis Sheriff and ex officio tax collector of the County of
Alachua in the State of Florida for the years 1845, 1846 & 1847
Send Greeting, Whereas under and by virtue of the provisions
of an act of the Genl Assembly of the state of Florida Entitled
and Act to raise a revenew for the State of Florida
Approved the 24th day of July 1845, Sixteen hundred & Sixty-Six
Acres of Land lying and being within the County of Alachua
aforesaid being included within the boundaries of a grant
or tract of Land Situated in the Said County known as
the Arredondo Grant and being part of a grant prior in
Transcribed by Elaine Campbell 21 October 2001
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