Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record A
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Deed Book A Page 160
in date to said last named grant madeby the Spanish
Government to George I. F. Clark on the 17th Dec 1817 and conveyed
by record title to Moses E. Levy and which has been subdivided
by said Moses E. Levy and of which said subdivisions the
tract herein intended to be ascribed is known as subdivision
or lot No. 5 and which was sold by said Moses E. Levy to Henry
Dudley became liable to assessment in aid of the revenue of the
State of Florida as well as also for county taxes of Alachua
County for the years 1846 and 1847 and whereas neither the said
sixteen hunded and sixty-six acres nor any part thereof were
returned either by the owner or owners or by their or either of
their attorney or attorney's agent or agents to the persons required
by law to receive the returns and assess the same for the
years aforesaid or either of them in the said county of Alachua
as they were required by law to do, and whereas the assessor of taxes
for the county of Alachua for the years 1846 and 1847 duly assesed
the said 1,666 acres in due form of law
   And whereas in compliance with the duly imposed
upon me by the provisions of the law in such cases made
and provided, I did advertise the said tract of land or so
much thereof as would pay such taxes thereon as were
assessed as aforesaid and the costs of sale at public auction
on the fourteenth day of August one thousand eight hundred &
forty eight between the hours of ten and two o'clock at the Court
house in Newnansville in said county of Alachua by causing
notice of the same to be published for the period of six months
in a public newspaper called the "News" published at
Jacksonville in said state being the nearest newspaper
to the place of sale.
   And whereas in pursuance of said notice of
sale said taxes & costs being & remaining unpaid
and due and owing, I this day proceeded to sell
said lands in manner pointed out by law by offering
the said land successivly in lots of forty acres each which
were successively sold to George L. Brown for the aggregate
sum of sixty-four dollars and thirty-two cents being the
amount and expenses of sale
    Now therefore know ye that I, the said
Thomas C. Ellis, Sheriff, and exofficio Tax COllector
of the taxes of Alachua County for the year aforesaid
by virtue of the statute in such case made & provided.
Transcribed by Murray D. Laurie 21 October 2001
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