Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record A
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Deed Book A Page 162
This Indenture made this twelfth day of May in the Year
of Our Lord One thousand Eight hundred & fifty nine between George L.
Brown of the County of Alachua State of Florida of the first part
and George R. Fairbanks of the County of St. Johns State Aforesaid
Witnesseth that the Said Party for and in Consideration of
the Sum of Five hundred Dollars the receipt whereof is
hereby Acknowledged hath granted bargained Sold remised and
Confirmed and doth by these Present grant bargain
Sell remise And Confirm Unto the Said party of the Second
part all that certain tract or parcel of Land
lying and being in the County of Alachua and State
of Florida Containing Sixteen Hundred & Sixty-Six Acres
being situated within the boundaries of a grant or tract
of Land Situated in the Said County Known as the
Arredondo grant and being Part of a grant made
prior in date to the Said last named grant and made
by the Spanish Government to George J.F. Clark on the
Seventeenth day of December One thousand Eight hundred
And Seventeen and conveyed by recent title to Moses E. Levy
and which has been Subdivided by Said Moses E. Levy And
of Which Subdivisions the tract herein mentioned to be
described is known as Subdivision or Lot No 5 and which
was Sold by Said Levy to H*y Dudly To have and to hold the
Said premises to him the Said party of the Second Part
his heirs And Assigns forever- And I do hereby covenant
And agree that I Have preformed no act whatever and
will will perform no act Whatever injurious to the title of the same And hereby 
warrant And defend the Said above granted premises from Any
let hinderance injury or molestation from me my heirs
Executors and administrators forever. In Witness Whereof
I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal this day & year
Above Written
Words injuries to the title of the Same
interlined above before Signature                 George L. Brown (L.S.)
In Presence of 
A.H. Jones
State of Florida
County of Alachua    Personally Appeared before Me the Undersigned Clerk of the
Circuit Court for the Eastern Dist of the Counties of Alachua & Levy George L.
Brown who being duly Sworn According to Law says that he Executed
the foregoing instrument of writing for the purpose then Expressed
Sworn to & Subscribed by me this 7th Sept. 1849
                Robt. Youngblood Clk
                Per Saml. Russell Dept                       George L. Brown
                         Recorded 7th Sept. 1849
                                    Robt. Youngblood Clk
                                          Saml. Russell Dpt
Transcribed by Elaine Campbell 22 October 2001
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