Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record A
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Deed Book A Page 163
This is to Certify that I have this day let & rented
Unto Mr. George M. Galpin My house and lot, known
as Lots No 4 & 5 block No 3 Range No One in the Town
of Newnansville Florida with the Appurtenances, And the
Sole and uninterrupted use and Occupation thereof, for
One Year with the Privilege of Three Years, to commence one
the Eleventh day of Sept AD 1849, at the yearly rent of One
hundred and Twenty Dollars payable Quarterly, on the
regular Quarter days; rent to cease in case the premises
are destroyed by fire
     The Condition of the above obligation or lease is that
the Said Wellhonner is to turn over or deliver the
above named property forthwith to the Said George M.
Galpin And that the said Wellhonner is to have the
Ten pin Ally now blown down on the Said premises rebuilt
and put in good order in a reasonable length of time
Say Six weeks from date
     Given under my hand & Seal this 11th
day of Sept. AD 1849
Witness                                L. Wellhoner (L.S.)
Henry E.W. Clark
Saml. Russell
       Dept Clerk
                 Recorded this 11th day of Sept 1849
                             Robt. Youngblood Clk
                             per Saml. Russell

     This is to certify that I have hired and
taken from Mr. L. Wellhoner his houses & Lots known
as lots No 4 & 5 in the Town of Newnansville Florida
in Block No Three of Range No One with the Appurtenances
for the term of One Year (With the Privilege of Three Years)
to commence on the Eleventh day of Sept AD 1849
at the Yearly rent of One hundred & Twenty Dolls
payable Quarterly on the regular Quarter day
Transcribed by Elaine Campbell 22 October 2001
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