Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record A
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Deed Book A Page 165
State of Florida
County of Alachua
                    Personally appeared before the Undersigned Clerk
of the Circuit Court of Alachua & Levy Counties James Bevill
who Being duly Sworn according to Law Says that he Saw the
Within Named Isabell Mott Execute the Within Instrument of
writing for the purpose therein Expressed And that he Signed
the Same as a Witness
Sworn to & Subscribed                                 James Bevill
before Me this 11th day
of Oct. AD 1849
Robt. Youngblood Clk
Per Saml. Russell Dept
                     Recorded this 11 dy of Oct 1849
                                   Robt. Youngblood Clerk
                                   Per Saml. Russell
                                          Depy Clerk

State of Florida
county of Alachua
                      This Indenture made this 29 day of Sept in
the year of our lord one thousand Eight hundred & forty nine between
Arthur Floyd of the Town of Newnansville State and County aforesaid
of the one part and William Walters of the Same State & place of the
Second part
      Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the Sum of
one hundred & Seventy Dolls to me in hand paid at and before
the Sealing and delivery of the present the receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged hath granted bargained & Sold and by these presents do
grant bargain & Sell and Convey Unto the Said William Walters
his heirs and assigns one lot of Land Containing One half
Acre lying and being in the Town of Newnansville State and
County Aforesaid Known in a certain map or chart of the
Said Town of Newnansville as lot No thirteen (13) of the North
half Range together With all and Singular the tenements
and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise
appertaining unto the Said Arthur Floyd his
heirs and assigns executors and administrators to
Said bargained premises Unto the Said William Walters
Transcribed by Elaine Campbell 22 October 2001
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