Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record A
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Deed Book A Page 167
Know all men by these presents that I Mordecai
Myers of the City of New York and Justly Entitled to & hold
an Interest in the Arredondo Grant So Called Situated in the
County of Alachua to the Extent of Two Thousand and One hundred
acres and under and by virtue of the order of Sale made in the
case of Brush Es al vs Prall Es al for partition at public Sale held at
Mickanopy this 21st Feby 1829 pursuant to such order have purchased
the quantity of Six hundred and forty Acres being Sec 14 T9 R18
at Such Commissioners Sale and having Complied with the
term of Said Sale, Therefore I the Said Mordecai Myers for
and in consideration of the Sum of Three hundred Dollars agreed
to be paid to me my agt or attorney by Solomon Warren of
Alachua County I hereby agree with said Warren to sell and
Convey Unto him the Said Warren his heirs and assigns forever
the Said tract of Land With its appurtenances Where the Same
term following being** That Said Warren Shall pay per the Same
Three hundred Dollars Within Ninety days and shall receive title
to the same to soon as the Commissioners report shall be
     Witness my hand and Seal this 21st dy of Feby 1840
In presence of                                         Mr. Myers (   )
G.R. Fairbanks                                 per L.Bailey Myers his atty
                                                       Solomon Warren (   )
I hereby Guarantee the Execution of the within Contract
on the part of Mordecai Myers
May 7th 1849                                            G.R. Fairbanks
Simeon Dell
Received in the within Contract the Sum of Eighty
Dollars                                                     Mr. Myers
Feby 21st 1849                                         Per L.Bailey Myers atty

Recd of Solomon Warren the Sum of Two hundred and
Twenty in full of the Within Contract less 50** for cash as
per agreement of L.B. Myers atty for Mr. Myers
Newnansville My 7th                                         G.R. Fairbanks
              1849                                       Agent for Mr. Myers
Transcribed by Elaine Campbell 23 October 2001
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