Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record A
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dark complection named Charlotte aged about Thirty-years
And one Negro Boy (Slave) named Shepperd aged about 17 years
     To have and to hold the Said Negro Slaves as above
named to the said Simeon Dell his Executors administrators and
assigns forever, And I the Said Solomon Warren for myself my
heirs Executors and administrators all and Singular the Said Negro
Slave Unto the Said Simeon Dell his Executors
administrators And assigns forever against me the Said Solomon
Warren My Executors and administrators and against all and
every other person and persons whomsoever shall and will warrant
and forever defend by these presents
     In witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal
this 2nd day of October Ad 1849
In presence of                               Solomon Warren (L.S.)
C.L. Wilson
Chas.F. Fitchett

State of Florida
County of Alachua      Personally appeared before me the Undersigned
Clerk of the Circuit court for the Counties of Alachua & Levy Charles
F. Fitchett Who being duly Sworn according to Law Says that
he Saw the Within named Solomon Warren Execute the Within
Instrument of Writing for the purposes therein named and
that he Signed the Same as a Witness
Sworn to & Subscribed                              Chas.F. Fitchett
before me this 2nd day of
October AD 1849
Robt. Youngblood Clk
Per Saml. Russell Dept Clk
                  Recorded this 2nd dy of Oct. 1849
                                Robt. Youngblood Clk
                                Per Saml. Russell  Depty Clk
Transcribed by Elaine Campbell 23 October 2001
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