Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record A
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Deed Book A Page 191
have granted bargained sold aliened conveyed and confer-
red and by these presents do grant bargain sell alien convey
and confer unto the said party of the Second part all that
certain lot piece or section of Land known upon a map made by
Messrs Burns & Washington in the Year 1845 or in Eighteen hundred
and forty six after survey made by them of the Arredondo Grant
in the County of Alachua in the said State of Florida as Section
(24) twenty four in Township ten (10) Range Twenty one (21) Containing
six hundred and forty thirty six one hundredth acres (640 36/100)
by the same more or less - together with all and singular the
tenaments hereditaments & appurtenances thereunto belonging and
all the right title and interest of in and to of the heirs and
executors of the said W. Brush deceased in and to the same.
To have and to hold all and singular the above described
premises with the appurtenances unto the said party of the second
part to his heirs and assigns forever.  And the said parties of
the first part as Executors aforesaid will warrant and
forever defend the said premises to said party of the
second part his heirs and assigns against all and every person
or persons lawfully claiming the same.
  In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands
and seals this 22nd day of October 1849

Signed sealed and delivered             Chas W. Brush (seal)
in the presents of   }                  Eugene Van Ness(seal)
   Jos W. Fitch      }
   Daniel H Rogers   }              Executors of the last will and
                                  testament of the late Dr. W. Brush dec'd

State of Florida Putnam County } On this 22nd day of
October 1849 before me appeared Charles W. Brush who acknowledged
that he had Executed the above conveyance for himself and for
his co-executor Eugene Van Ness whose agent he is for the
purpose therein mentioned and I certify that I know the said
Brush and Van Ness and know them to be the same ind-
ividuals described therein.
                                      S. Glinski
I certify S. Glinski at the time of taking the above
acknowledgement was and still is Justice of the Peace
                   B. Hopkins Dept Clk Circuit Court Putnam Co
                      Recorded 15 Dec 1849
                            *** Benett clk
Transcribed by Patricia Carter 20 April 2002
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