Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record A
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Deed Book A Page 192
State of Florida}
Alachua County  }  This indenture made this eighth
day of December in the year One Thousand Eight hundred 
and forty nine between Abraham Mott of the first part and 
John R. Denton of the second part. Witnesseth,
That Abraham Mott of the first party and in consideration
of the Sum of Five hundred Dollars, in hand paid to 
him by John R. Denton of the Second part, at and 
before the sealing and delivering of these presents the receipts
of which is hereby acknowledged has granted bargained 
and convey to John R. Denton party of the second part
and his heirs and assigns a certain parcel of Land lying 
and being in the County of Alachua in the State of Florida 
and situate about Six North of this Town of Newnansville
in said State and County and known and described 
according to the United States Survey as the North West
quarter of Section numbered Thirteen (13) in Township
numbered Seven (7) in Range numbered Eighteen (18) South 
and East Containing one hundred & fifty nine (159) acres 
and Eighty Eight of an (88) acres and the west half 
of the North East quarter of Section numbered thirteen (13) 
in township numbered Seven (7) of Range numbered 
eighteen (18) South and East containing Seventy Nine 
acres and ninety four hundredths (94) of an acre.
and the East half of the North East quarter of Sections
numbered fourteen (14) in Township numbered (7) of Range 
numbered Eighteen (18) South and East containing Eighty acres 
and fifteen hundredths (15/100) of an acre.
The Said described tract or Parcel of Land containing 
in all three hundred and nineteen (319) acres and 
Ninety Seven (97/100) hundredths of an acre, more or less
with all the appurtenances improvements thereunto
belonging or appertaining. To have and to hold the 
said messuge or tenements & piece or parcel of Land
hereitaments and premises hereby granted or intended
So to be, with the appurtenances and the said John 
R. Denton of the Second part his heirs and assigns 
and to his and theirs only proper use and behoof
forever. And the Said Abraham Mott party of the 
first part doth covenant & agree to with the
Said John R. Denton party of Second part his heirs
and assigns.
Transcribed by Rebekah Hurd 19 February 2003
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