Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record A
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Deed Book A Page 194
State of Florida
Alachua County
Know all men by these presents that
I, Ann Eliza Mott, wife of Abraham Mott in consideration
of the premises and the further sum of one dollar paid to me
by the within named John R. Denton at and before the
signing of this release, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged
have received released relinquished and renounced and do
hereby relieve release renounce and relinquish to the said
John R. Denton and to his heirs and assigns, all and all
moreover of dower and rights and title and claim to dower
and all other interest and claim or rights and title where
forever which I the said Ann Eliza Mott now have or
or might have or be intitled to in the within conveyed
tract of land the east half of the North Est 1/4 of Section
(14) in Township(7)South of Range(18)East, also the North
West 1/4 of Section (13) in Township (7)South of Range (18)
East, about six miles north of the Town of Newnansville
in the State and County first above written:
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
Seal by Sc**** this eighth (8) day of December
in the year One Thousand Eight hundred & forty nine.
In presence of us
Chas. F. Fitchett          Ann E. Mott
Judge Probate

State of Florida
Alachua County
I Chas. F. Fitchett, Judge of Probate of Alachua County proceed
to make the private examiniation of the above named
Ann Eliza Mott touching her voluntary assent to the foregoing
relinquishment of dower seperate and apart from her
husband Abraham Mott whereupon she declares that she
executed the same freely and voluntarily and without
any compulsion constraint apprehensive of fear of or from
her husband Abraham Mott or from any other person
Witness my hand and seal 8th day of December A.D. 1849
Charles F. Fitchett
Judge Probate
Transcribed by Buddy Irby 29 October 2001
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