Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record A
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Deed Book A Page 197
s persons as he shall think fit and convenient and allso for me
and in my name and as my act and deed to sign and seal execute and
deliver such deed and conveyances for the leaseing and the absolute sale
and disposal thereof or any part thereof with such clauses covenants
and agreements to be therein contained a my saids attorney shall
think fit and expedient hereeby ratifying and confirming all
such leases, deeds and conveyances bargains sales which shall
as of any time hereafter be made by my said attorney touching and
concerning the premises.
                          Witness my hand and seal this 11th
Heny G. Maquand            day of April A.D. 1849
G. Humphreys                 Fredrick Maguand

To all whom these presants shall come Hetty Marquand
wife of Fredrick Marquand of Connecticut,
send greetins.  Know ye that the said Hetty Marquand
for and in consideration of the sume of one hundred dollars to her
in hand paid and for dives other consideration here there
to moveing hath granted remised released and forever guit
Claimed and doeth hereby constitute appoint and make George
R. Fairbanks of St. Augustine Florida my true and lawful
attorney for me and in my name to release quit 
claim to any and all persons when he shall think for
convenient all the dower and rights and title of dower
and all others the estate rights title interest claim and demand
whatsoever both at Law and in equity of her the said
Marquand which she now hath or which she her heirs
executions or administrations can or may at any time hereafter
have claim or demand of in and to or out of all singular
the land following v's sections 1 v 2 v 11 & 13. T 10 R 21 of Aredonda
Grants Sc   7. 18, 10, 22
            18, 9, 19
            10, 21, 11, 20
            19   12, 20
All of said land situated in the County of Alachua &
Marion so that she the said Hetty Marquand her heirs
executors and administrators shall & will confirm whatever
my said attorney shall do in the premises.
         Witness my hand and seal this 10th day of
         April 1849
                              Hetty Maguand
Transcribed by Buddy Irby 29 October 2001
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