Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record A
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Deed Book A Page 203
in the County of Alachua on the Twenty first day of February
last we were purchasers of the premises conveyed hereby and
of other premises under the Interest of Nathanel Wells, Dec.
Same premises hereby conveyed and described as follows On the
map of said grant made by David H. Run and Henry
Washington under the directions of Commissioners appointed in
said partition suit and dated Seventh day of February 1846
to wit Township 11 Range 19 Section 9 containing 640 12/100
Six hundred & forty acres twelve one hundreths acres
Section containing 641 / six hundred and forty one seventeen
containing 639 76/100 Six hundred and thirty nine seventy six one
hundredths acres, Section Twenty five containing six hundred
and twenty one containing 642 14/100 six hundred
and forty two fourteen one hundredths acres Township eleven
Range Twenty fractional Sections Eighteen containing 281 68/100
Two hundred and eighty one and sixty eight one hundredths
acres Sections Twenty Five containing 650 60/100 six hundred
and fifty acres and sixty one hundredths acres Sections Twenty
seven containing 640 acres six hundred forty acres
Township Eleven Range Twenty One Section Thirty Three containing
640 acres six hundred and forty acres Township Twelve
range twenty one section thirteen containing 640 six hundred
and forty acres Twownship Twelve Range Twenty Two Section
Eighteen containing 518 Five Hundred and eighteen acres
be the contents of said several sections more or less as the
same were purchased by us at said sale,
together with all singular the tenements herideaments
appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appur-
taining and the reversion and reversions remainder and
remainders rents issues and profits thereof and
allso all the estate rights title interest,
property possession claim and demand whatsoever as well
in Law as in equity of the said Tracts of the first party of
in or to the above discribed premises and every Tract
and parcel thereof with the appurtenances to have
and to hold all and singular the above
mentioned and discribed premises together with
the appurtenances into the said part of the section
parts heirs and assigns forever
In witness whereof the said parties of the first part have here
unto set their hands and seals this day and year first above
Transcribed by Buddy Irby 6 November 2001
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