Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record A
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Deed Book A Page 209
And Whereas the Said last will and was duly admitted to probate
in the State of New York according to law, and has been duly
recorded in the Clerks office of the County of Alachua State of Florida
And whereas also Eugene Van ness by reason of his
profession is not able to give that attention to the business of
Said estate which this importance demands, and has by his
Power of Attorney bearing date the 1st day of January 1847 Specially
and fully empowered the Said Charles W. Brush his coexecutor
and Clothed him with all the authority and power the both
could have in the execution of Said trust, is acting conjointly
which will more fully appear by reference to said Power recorded
in the office of the Clerk of Said Alachua County
          Now Therefore in consideration of the Sum of Nine
hundred dollars ($900) lawful money to us in hand paid
the receipt, of which is hereby acknowledged we the Said
parties of the first part have granted bargained, Sold and
Conveyed to the Said party of the Second part, and by these
presents do grant bargain Sell and convey unto the Said party of
the Second part, ALL that certain pieces and parcel of land
Situate in the Arredondo Grant in Alachua County Florida
Known and designated on a map made by Messrs Burr &
Washington as the East half of Section Fifteen (15) Township Ten
(10) Range Nineteen (19) Containing Three hundred and Twenty
acres more or less (320) and also all of North west quarter of Section
Twenty three (23) in Same Range and Township that is not
included within the Garey Grant, which Said Fractions is supposed
to contain about Sixty or Eighty acres more or less,
then certain parcels of land having been bid on by the parties
of the first part in connections with other parcels at a Sale of Said
Grant at Micanopy on the 21st day of February 1849 and Several
Successive days made under Order of the Circuit Court of St.
Johns County for the purpose of partitioning Said Grant Among
the Several owners thereof as by reference to the facial decree
in the Suit between Brush vs. Bull it is rendered at the
Issued Terms of the Circuit Court of St. Johns County
1847 now on file in the Clerks office of Alachua County
will more fully appear.
          Together with all and Singular
the tenements hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto
belonging or in any wise appertaining and all the rights
title and interest of the heirs and executors of the
Estate of the Said N. Brush deceased of in and to the
Transcribed by Elaine Campbell 15 November 2001
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