Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record A
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Deed Book A Page 212
In testimony Whereof we have hereunto Set
our hands and Seals this Thirtieth day of
January in the year of Our Lord One Thousand
Eight hundred and fifty
Signed Sealed and
delivered in presence of          Joseph S. Sanchez (L.S.)
John Jas. Sanchez                 R.B. Sanchez      (L.S.)
Saml Russell                     By Joseph S. Sanchez Jnr.

Personally appeared before me Samuel
Russell above named whose names appear
to the foregoing instrument of writing as a
witness thereto and oath in due form of Law
Says that he Saw Joseph S. Sanchez Jnr. Execute
and deliver the Same.
Sworn to and Subscribed            Samuel Russell
before me this January 30th AD 1850
                 S.W. Burnett
                 Pr. O. Hancock
                       Depy. Clk
             Recorded Jay. 30th 1850
                                   S.W. Burnett
                                   Per A. Hancock
                                            Depy. Clk.

               A Deed of Conveyance
Whereas I Thomas C. Ellis late Sheriff and Exoffico
Tax Collector of Alachua County did on the fourteenth
day of August AD one Thousand Eight hundred
and forty Eight offer at public Sale or out cry in
the manner and in this proportion and quantity
prescribed by Law a certain tract or parcel
of land Situate in Said Alachua County Containing
nine Hundred and Seventy acres more or less
Known and discribed as follows
             To Wit
the undivided interest or portion of
Barnabus Osborne in to a certain tract
Transcribed by Elaine Campbell 13 November 2001
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