Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record A
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Deed Book A Page 214
           A Deed of Conveyance
Whereas I Thos.C. Ellis late Sheriff and Ex officio
Tax Collector of Alachua County Did on the fourteenth
day of August A.D. One thousand eight Hundred and
forty Eight Offer at public Sale or out Cry in the
manner and in the proportion and quantity prescribed
by Law a certain tract or parcel of land Situate in
Said Alachua County Containing One Thousand five
Hundred and forty four acres more or less Known
and discribed as follows.
                  To Wit
The Undivided interest or portion of John Rodman
in an to a certain tract of land Known as the 
Arredondo Grant in Said County and State of Florida
for the purpose of raising from the Sale thereof an Amount
of Money Sufficient to pay the Tax due thereon as
from the owner or owners thereof to said State and County
for the Years Eighteen Hundred and forty Six and
forty Seven, and all cost and expenditures
which necissarly accrued in and about the
advertisement and Sale thereof there having been
afalier to pay the Said Tax and whereas it became
necissary to offer the whole of Said tract in the manner
and in the proportions and quanities prescribed by
law before an amount was bid, therefore Sufficient
to pay Said Tax Cost and expenditures, and
Whereas William H. Cone was the highest bidder
and the only person at Said Sale, who bid for
Said tract or any quantity in proportion thereof
an Amount Sufficiently large to pay Said Tax Cost
and expenditures he having bid for the whole of Said
tract the Sum of Twenty Six Dollars and fifty Cents,
Therefore be it Known that I Thos.C. Ellis late Sheriff
and Ex officio Tax collector as aforesaid, in Consider-
ation of Said Sum which I hereby acknowledge to
have received from the Said William H. Cone, do hereby
bargain and Sell unto the Said William H. Cone his
heirs and assigns, the Said tract or  or parcel
of land Subject Only to the right of redemption
provided by Law and I Said Thos.C. Ellis Shff
and Tax Collector as aforesaid hereby Covenant
with the Said William H. Cone his heirs Executors
Administrators and Assigns, That in the advertisement
Transcribed by Elaine Campbell 13 November 2001
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