Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record A
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Deed Book A Page 215
and Sale of Said land I have observed all the
requirements of law.
     Witness my hand and Seal this 1st day
of September A.D. 1848
                           Thos C. Ellis (L.S.)
William Dell            Late Shff & Tax Collector
Allen Hancock             for Alachua county

Personally appeared before me Allen Hancock one of the
Subscribing witnesses whose name appears to the foregoing instrument
of writing who Says upon Oath that he Saw Thos.C. Ellis Sign
Seal and execute the same for the purposes therein mentioned
                                             Allen Hancock
Sworn and Subscribed before
this Feby. 7th A.D. 1850
                          S.W. Burnett
          Recorded Feby. 7th 1850
                          S.W. Burnett

This Indenture made and entered into this fifth
day of June in the year of our lord One Thousand Eight
Hundred and forty nine, between W.S. Dilworth of the
County of Jefferson and State of Florida, of the first part
and John D. Kerr of Philadelpia and State of Pencil Vania of the
Second part,
     Witnesseth that the Said Wm.S. Dilworth
for and in consideration of the Sum of Seven Hundred
and fifty Dollars to him in hand paid by the Said
John D. Kerr at or before the sealing and delivery of these
presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have granted
bargained, Sold, aliened, revised, released, and Confirmed
and by these presents doth grant, bargain, Sell, alien
revise, release, and Confirm unto the Said John D.
Kerr, his heirs and assigns, the following discribed
tract or tracts, lot or lots of land, lying being and
Situated in Levy County East Florida Viz
Lot No. (1) One of fractional Section No. (12) Twelve
Township No. (15) Fifteen South Range No (13) Thirteen
east Containing Seventy One Acres, Nine hundredths
Acres, also the East half of the South East Quarter
Section No (1) One, township No. (15) Fifteen South
Transcribed by Elaine Campbell 13 November 2001
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