Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record A
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Deed Book A Page 216
Range No. (13) Thirteen East Containing eighty 
Acres, together with all and Singular the Houses out
Houses edifices, buildings Stables Yards, Groves Liberties
privoledges Casements Commodities emoluments hereditaments
rights members and appurtenances, whatsoever
thereto belonging or in any wise appertaining the revition
and revitions remainder and remainders rents Issue
and profits and all the Estate right, title interest
property and possession claim and demand whatsoever
in law or in equity of the Said Wm. S. Dilworth his heirs
or Assigns of in or to the Same or Any part or parcel
thereof with the appertenances, to have And to hold the
Said discribed tract or tracts lot or lots of Land
and premises unto the Said John D. Kerr his heirs
And Assigns to the only use and behoof of the Said
John D. Kerr his heirs And Assigns forever, and
to And for no other use interest or purpose whatsoever
in Witness Whereof the said W.S. Dilworth hath
hereto Set his hand and Seal the day and Year
first above written
Signed Sealed and delivered            W.S. Dilworth (L.S.)
in presence of us
W. Denham
R. Scott

State of Florida     Be it remembered that
Jefferson County     On the fourteenth day of
February One Thousand Eight Hundred and fifty
William S. Dilworth the grantor to the foregoing deed
of conveyance personally Came before me the Subscribed
Judge of Probate in and for Said County and
acknowledged that he Signed and Sealed the same
and that it was his own free voluntary act and deed
for the use and purposes therin mentioned and
requested me to Certify the Same for record
                 In testimony whereof I have hereunto
     (SEAL)      Set my hand and affixed my
                 Seal of Office on the day and year
                 first above named
                                  Thomas J. Chace
                                  Judge of Probate
         Recorded February 27th 1850
                                  S.W. Burnett Clk.
Transcribed by Elaine Campbell 13 November 2001
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