Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record A
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Deed Book A Page 218
State of Florida
Alachua County
                     Personally appeared before
me S.W. Burnett clerk of Circuit Court for Alachua
& Levy Counties, John W. Lowe and acknowledged that
he signed and executed the foregoing deed of Conveyance
for the purposes therein Stated, and that the Same is his
own free act and deed.
                     This 14th day March A.D. 1850
S.W. Burnett                               John W. Lowe
               Recorded March 18th 1850
                              S.W. Burnett Clerk

This Indenture made this the eleventh day of
March A.D. 1850 between Bennett M. Dell of the 
County of Alachua of the one part and James
Gadsden Dell of the County of the County of Alachua
of Second part WITNESSETH that the party of the
first part for and in consideration of the sum
of one Hundred dollars to him in hand paid
by the party of Second part at and before the Sealing
of these presents the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged
have granted bargained and sold and by these
presents do grant, and sell unto the Said party
of the Second part All that Certain tract or parcel
of Land lying and being in the County of Alachua
and State of Florida Situated in the Alachua
Land district of the United States and described in
the Survey of the United States and the legal subdivision
thereof as the East half of the South West qr of Section
Twenty Seven Township Seven South of range Eighteen
East, Together with all the priviledges appurtenances
to the Said Land belonging or in any wise appertaining
to have and to hold the aforestated premises to the 
said James Gadsden Dell his heirs and assigns and
to his use and behoof forever, And the Said party 
of the first part doth covenant and agree with
the party of the Second part and his heirs and
assigns, that the said premises hereby conveyed
are free from all incumbrances had made
or done by the Said party of the first
part or by his authority quit of Assent
Transcribed by Elaine Campbell 14 November 2001
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