Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record A
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Deed Book A Page 220
State of Florida
Alachua County
                   To all whom these presents Shall
come We Bennett M. Dell and Saml R. Piles Executors
of the last will and Testament of James Dell late of
the above county and State deceased and who
have taken on Ourselves the Execution of the Trust of
Said Will Send Greeting Whereas the said James Dell
deceased to Enable his Executors to make equal division
of his Estate according to his Said Will and for divers
other purposes therein mentioned, did therein and
Thereby authorize them to make sale of all the Lands
of which he Said James Dell deceased Should die
possessed or which he Should be Entitled to at the time
of his decease So soon as his Executors Should
think it prudent so to do and in and by the said
Will did appoint us the said Saml.R. Piles and
Bennett M. Dell who have taken on themselves the
Execution of the Trust of said will together with his
Son William T. Dell deceased Executors thereof
Now Know ye that by virtue of the authority and
power aforesaid and of every other power us
hereunto enabling, and in consideration of the sum 
of One thousand five hundred $1500 Dollars to us
paid by James Gadsden Dell the receipt of which we
do hereby acknowledge we have granted, bargained,
sold and conveyed and do hereby grant bargain
Sell and convey unto the Said James Gadsden
Dell and his heirs and assigns forever certain
pieces or parcels of Land lying and being in the
County of Alachua & Situate in the Alachua land
district of the United States and Known and dis-
cribed in the Survey of the United States and the
legal Subdivision thereof
As the West half of the South West Qr of Sec,,
Twenty Seven East half of the South East Qr of
Section Twenty Eight north East Qr and North East Qr
of the South east Qr of Sec. thirty three, North West Qr and
West half of the South west Qr of Section Thirty four
Township seven South of Range Eighteen East
& containing by Estimation Six hundred acres
more or less
Transcribed by Elaine Campbell 14 November 2001
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