Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record A
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Deed Book A Page 223
As they lawfully can do So And Whereof the Said Slave
Jim has elected to remain the Slave of James Gadsden Dell
Son of Said James Dell deceased And Whereas the said
parties of the first And Second part desire to Secure
to Said Slave Jim a comfortable Support and maintendnce
and to Secure him against any and all accident
and contingences likely to derive him of Said support
and Maintenance, This indenture therefore further
Witnesseth that the said parties of the first part
and in consideration of the premises and of the further
Sum of one dollar to these paid before the Sealing
and delivery hereof the receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged by the party of the Second part
Hath bargained and Sold and as by these present
bargain sell and release to the party of Second
part all their rights title interest and Claim
of Any and every Sort in and to the Said Negro
Slave Jim in Special trust And Confidance
never the less that the Said party of the Second part
Shall cause Negro Slave Jim to be employed
in Some useful manner such a position of his
time as will be Sufficient to afford him a
comfortable Support, and only to employ him
for Such time and for Such purposes and
Shall direct and apply the whole of the proceeds
derived from such employment to the
comfortable Support and maintenance of Said
Slave Jim,
And the Said parties of the first and second part
for themselves and their heirs executors and admin-
istrators doth covenant and agree to and with
each other and the parties of the first part
each for the other for the faithful performance
of the matters and things and the Several
Stipulations herein Contained
          I witness whereof Said parties 
have Signed and Sealed this deed at the County
of Alachua in the State of Florida this Tenth day of
January One Thousand Eight hundred & fifty
Signed Sealed and
acknowledged before                Bennett M. Dell (L.S.) Executor
us this Tenth day of               Saml.R. Piles   (L.S.) Executor
January A.D. 1850                  A..L. Piles    (L.S.)
James A. Peden                     Saml.R. Piles   (L.S.)
William Dell                       Saml.R. Piles   (L.S.) Guardian
                                   M. Dell         (L.S.)
                                   James G. Dell   (L.S.) Trustee
Transcribed by Elaine Campbell 15 November 2001
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