Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record A
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Deed Book A Page 231
day of August A.D. 1849~~~~
Now be it Known that the Said James G. Cameron hath this day
for and in consideration of the Sum of Twelve hundred and Eighty Dollars
to him in hand paid at and before the Sealing and delivery
these presents by John M. Feaster the receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged granted bargained Sold transfered and conveyed
And by these presents doth grant bargain Sell transfer and
Convey unto him the Said John M. Feaster  his heirs and
assigns the said above named and described tracts or
Sections of land together with all and Singular the rights members
and appurtenances thereof or to the Same in any manner
belonging unto him the Said John M. Feaster his heirs and
assigns forever.
          And the Said James G. Cameron doth hereby
covenant and agree for himself his heirs and Executors
or Administrators with the Said John M. Feaster that
he Shall be Secure in the enjoyment hereby conveyed Which
he the Said James G. Cameron will and doth hereby agree
to warrant and defend against any and all persons being
or to Claim by through or under him
In Witness Whereof the Said James G. Cameron hath
hereunto set his hand and affixed his Seal the fifth
day of February A.D. 1850
Signed Sealed and delivered
in presence of                           James G. Cameron (L.S.)
Geo.B. Payne
David Hennes

Florida Alachua County 
                          Personally appeared before
the undersigned a Justice of the Peace for Alachua County
George B. Payne who Sayeth on oath that he Saw James G.
Cameron Sign Seal and deliver the foregoing deed and that
he Signed his name as a witness and Saw David Hennes
do the Same
          In Witness Whereof the Said Geo.B. Payne
hath hereunto Subscribed his name.
Sworn to and Subscribed                     Geo.B. Payne
before me this 5th day of Febry.
A.D. 1850
John S. Livingston
Justice of the Peace
                Recorded April 19th AD 1850
                                     S.W. Burnett Clerk
                                     pr A. Hancock Dept. Clerk
Transcribed by Elaine Campbell 17 November 2001
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