Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record A
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Deed Book A Page 232
The State of South Carolina     
                         Know all men by these presents
that I Mary Dixon of Kershaw District in the State aforesaid
in consideration of the good will for my friend and relative
Madison S. Perry of Fairfield District in the State aforesaid
and in consideration of one dollar of one dollar to me paid
by James D. Starkes of Fairfield District State aforesaid
have granted, bargained, sold and delivered, and by these
presents do grant, bargain sell and deliver to the said
James D. Starke the following Negro slaves, nameley
Bill about fifty years old, Charity about fifty years
old, Fanny about eight years old, Charlotte about
sixty years old, and Betty about sixty years old,
Also one sorrel mare, one Barauche and harness,
one wagon and gear, all my stock of cattle & hogs
all my plantation utensils, and all my household
and Kitchen furniture; To have and to hold all
and Singular the above named Negro slaves and
their future issue and increase, and all & singular
the other property above mentioned, unto the said
James D. Starke, his Executors, administrators and
assigns forever; In Trust nevertheless, for the uses and
purposes hereinafter specified- That is to say
In Trust for the use, benefit and behoof of the
said Mary Dixon for and during the term of her
natural life; and from and immediately after the
death of the said Mary Dixon, then in Trust for
such person or persons and for such uses and
purposes as the said Madison S. Perry shall at
anytime hereafter by any instrument in writing signed
by himself, or by his last will and testament
appoint and designate; and unless, or until the
said Madison S. Perry shall otherwise direct and
appoint, In Trust after the death of the said Mary
Dixon, to permit the said Madison S. Perry to have
The use and services of the said Negro slaves and
their issue, and the use and benefit of all and
singular the other property above mentioned according
to his own will and pleasure during the term
of his natural life; and in case the said
Madison S. Perry shall fail to make any such
appointment during his life as above authorised
Transcribed by Elaine Campbell 19 November 2001
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