Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record A
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Deed Book A Page 234
     To all to whom these presents Shall Come
Seraphena Chauviteau (born Aley) now residing in the
rue near Saint Augustine in the city of Paris and Kingdom
of France Widow Sends Greeting Whereas in and by an Indenture
bearing date on or about the Thirtieth day of January One Thousand
Eight hundred and Twenty Six made between Moses Elias Levy of
Alachua in the County of Saint Johns in East Florida planter
then residing in the rue Saint Thomas de Louvre in the Said
City of Paris of the one part, and the Said Seraphena Chauviteau
(born Aley) then of the rue de la Chauviteau No 3 in the Said
City of Paris of the other part, after renting that the said Moses Elias
Levy was possessed of or intitled certain tracts of Land Situated
in the province and Territory of East Florida, therein afterwards
& more particular described and after reciting that Said Moses
Elias Levy having occaison for the Sum of Fifty Thousand francs
Money of France had applied to said Seraphena Chauviteau to send
and advance him the Same which She had consented to do upon having
the repayment of the Same Secured to her with interest at the rate of
Six per cent per annum in the manner therein after, contained
It Was Witnessed that for and in consideration of the Sum
of Fifty Thousand francs to the Said Moses Elias Levy paid by
the Said Seraphena Chauviteau, he the Said Moses Elias Levy did
grant, bargain, sell, alien, release, and Confirm, unto the Said Seraphena
Chauviteau her heirs and assigns forever all the Several tracts and
parcels of Land Situated in the province and Territory of East Florida
therein more particularly mentioned and discribed and Subject
as therein mentioned together with the appurtenances thereto
belonging with a provision that in case the Said Moses Elias Levy
his heirs Executors administrators or assigns Should from time on the
Thirtieth day of July and the Thirtieth day of Jany in each and every
year during the space of Six years from the date thereof well and truly
pay or cause to be paid to the said Seraphena Chauviteau                           
her Executors, administrators or assigns at Paris aforesaid
interest on the Said Sum of Fifty Thousand francs
at the rate of Six per cent per annum and also Should on or before
the Thirtieth day of January One Thousand Eight hundred and
Thirty two pay or cause to be paid the full Sum of fifty Thousand
francs to the Said Seraphena Chauviteau The Said
Seraphena Chauviteau Should reconvey and reassure
all and Singular the tracts of land *****************
and premises thereby granted and released with all
their appurtenances unto the Said Moses Elias Levy
Transcribed by Elaine Campbell 19 November 2001
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