Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record A
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Deed Book A Page 236
proceedings to prosecute with affect or else to discontinue compromise
or leave to orbitration as he Shall See cause or be advised and
also for her and in her name but to and for her use to enter into
and upon and take possession of the discribed tracts and parcels
of land tenaments and premises together with the crops and produce
thereto belonging and all the Slaves and personal property therein
and the other appertenances mentioned and discribed and so
bargained Sold and assigned to her the said Seraphena Chanviteau
or intended so to be by the said Moses Elias Levy in
and by the Said Serephena before in part recited Indenture
of the Said thirtieth of January One Thousand Eight hundred
and Twenty Six as aforesaid And then upon for her and
in her name to receive and take all and Singular the
rents arrears of rents issues and profits of all or any
of the said Several tracts, parcels, of land, hereditaments
premises appertenancs and upon payment and receipt
of the Same further and in her name to give proper receipts
acquitances allowances and discharges and upon nonpayment
of the Said rents and arrears of rents or any part thereof to
enter and distrain and the distress and distresses
there found to take lead, drive, carry away, and impower
and impound to Keep or otherwise  dispose of 
according to due consel of Law untill her said attorney Shall
be of Such rents and profits duly Satisfied and passed and
also for her and in her name to Commence and prosecute
any action or actions in any court or courts of law or
equity for the purpose of quiting the Said Moses Elias
Levy or any other person or persons and obtaining possession
of the Said Second tracts parcels of Land hereditaments and
premises and any and every part thereof if need Shall be and require
and for the recovery of any rent or rents arrears of rents or any other Sum
or Sums of money debt duty matter or thing whatsoever now or which at any
time hereafter during the continuance of these presents may be me due
or owing for or in respect of the Said premises, or any part thereof and
the Same action or actions Suit or Suits to prosecute and follow
or be discontinue or have to orbitration if he Shall See cause
and also for her, and in her name, but to an for, her use to grant
bargain, sell and dispose, of all or any part of the said
Several tracts and parcels of land hereditaments and premises
with the appertenances into upon and of which She Shall
have so entered and taken possession as aforesaid
to Such person or persons and for Such price and
prices as to him Shall deem fit and reasonable and upon
Transcribed by Elaine Campbell 27 November 2001
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