Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record N
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executors and administrators shall and will forever warrant and defend the
same unto him the said Phillip Miller and to his heirs executors administrators
and assigns against the lawful claims and demands of any and all persons
whomsoever now claiming or hereafter to claim the same. In Witness whereof
I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal on this third 3rd day of
August AD one thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty two (1882)
Signed sealed and delivered in presence of }  John E. Lambeth (seal)
us as witnesses                            }
                Jno L. Crawford            }
              M.B. Saunders                }
State of Florida }
Alachua County   } Personally appeared before me Jno L. Crawford who being
duly sworn says that he saw John E. Lambeth sign seal executor and
deliver the foregoing deed for the uses and purposes therein contained and
expressed and that he with M.B. Saunders signed the same as subscribing
witnesses thereto
Sworn to and Subscribed before me this the } Jno L. Crawford
3rd day of August AD 1882                  }
           J.A. Carlisle                   }
                Clerk Cir Court            }
            pr S.H. Wienges DC             }
                              Recorded August 4th 1882
                               J.A. Carlisle Clerk
                                 pr S.H. Wienges DC

      James W. Spencer & Sarah Kearns Exors To Thomas C. Ellis
State of Florida } Whereas Nathan Spencer late of Alachua County
Alachua County   } and State of Florida did sell to N.C. Parker and Frank
Stewart of said State & County a certain piece or parcel of land lying and
being in said State & County and known and described as lots thirty three (33)
and thirty four (34) of Nathan Spencers Survey made by J. Voile in the
North half of sec six (6) Township ten (10) South of Range Twenty 20 East
And whereas the said Nathan Spencer did make & execute to the said
Frank Stewart & N.C. Parker a bond conditioned that upon the payment to
him the said Spencer the price agreed to be paid for said land & at the
time specified in said bond that he the said Nathan Spencer would
make execute & deliver to the said Frank Stewart & N. Parker a good & sufficient
deed to the said premises and whereas the said Nathan Spencer has
since departed this life having previously made his last will & testament
in which James W. Spencer & Sarah Spencer now Sarah Kearns were
appointed Executors of the goods chattels rights and credits of him the said
dec'd and Whereas the said Frank Stewart & N. Parker have assigned set over
and transferred to Thomas C. Ellis all of their interests in said bond. Now
therefore know all men by these presents that we James W. Spencer & Sarah
Kearns formerly Sarah Spencer as Executors as aforesaid for and in consideration
of the sum of Two Hundred & Seventeen Dollars & thirty five cents ($217.35) to us
in hand paid by the said Thomas C. Ellis the receipt whereof is hereby

Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 4 September 2021
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