Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record N
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Deed Record N Page 634
In testimony whereof I have hereunto }
set my hand and official seal        }   Annie L. Barton  (seal)
   (  )       W.K. Cessna            }
 ( Seal )      Notary Public         }
   (  )                              }
State of Florida } Before me personally appeared Annie L. Barton and D.W.L.
Alachua County   } Barton who acknowledged that they executed signed seal
and delivered the forgoing deed of conveyance for the uses and purposes
therein contained and expressed
Acknowledged and subscribed before me }   Annie L. Barton
this 27 day of June AD 1882           }
   (  )    W.K. Cessna                }
 ( Seal )     Notary Public           }
   (  )
                   Recorded August 4th 1882
                      J.A. Carlisle  Clerk
                         pr S.H. Wienges DC

          Jane H. Bevill Guardian to E.A. Jeffords
State of Florida }
Alachua County   } An agreement made and entered into this the Seventeenth
day of June one thousand Eight hundred and Eighty two between
Jane H. Bevill Guardian of minor heirs party of the first part and
E.A. Jeffords party of the second part all of the State and County first
above written Witnesseth; That for and in consideration of one hundred
and fifty, two year old orange Trees to be furnished & planted during
the next thirty days & then living or first growth guaranteed by the
party of the second part the party of the first part agrees to rent or lease
and do by these presents rent or lease to party of the second part his
heirs or assigns for a period of three years from the date of this instrument
all that piece or parcel of land Situate lying & being in the Town of
Gainesville County & State aforesaid & more particularly known & described
as commencing at the Junction of the Streets known as Depot and
Arredondo & running East along Depot Street or along the Florida
Transit Rail Road to a Culvert Six hundred and Seventy feet thence
North Four hundred and twenty feet thence West to Arredondo Street
Six hundred & Seventy feet thence South along Arredondo Street four
hundred & twenty feet to the place of beginning containing Six acres more
or less. The party of the first part agrees to enclose the said lot during
the next thirty days by completing the plank fence around the
remainder of the lot & to Keep the said lot or parcel of land enclosed
with a good & lawful fence for the period of three years to pay all taxes
& to keep the party of second part in peaceful possession for the
said term of three years. It is understood & agreed by the parties to this
Agreement that Should the City of Gainesville open the Street known
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 19 December 2019
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