Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record N
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Deed Record N Page 649
part and Calvin Gillis party of the second part whereas in and by a certain
Decree made by his honor James M. Baker Judge of the 4th fourth Judicial
Circuit Sitting and presiding as Judge & Chancellor of the fifth Judicial
Circuit of Florida by order of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of
Florida on the 6th Sixth day of June AD 1882 in a certain cause in
Alachua County 5th Judicial Circuit of Florida pending between George
K. Broome complainant and and George W. Black defendant it
was ordered and decreed that the complainant George K. Broome
have and recover of the defendant the sum of one hundred and
Ninety 52/100 Dollars and it was further ordered and adjudged that 
that certain tract or parcel of land Situated in Gainesville Alachua
County Florida and bounded as follows South West corner of Block 7
Range 8 in said Town according to a survey recorded in deed book
"H" page 383 of the public records of Alachua County thence running
Easterly Eighty feet thence running Northerly (84) Eighty four feet thence
running Westerly 25 Twenty five feet thence Northerly two hundred feet
thence running Easterly 25 twenty five feet thence running Northerly
50 fifty feet thence Westerly 80 Eighty feet thence Southerly 334 three
hundred and thirty four feet to the point of beginning containing
21720 feet more or less be sold to pay the sum decreed to be due
to the complainant as also the sum of Forty dollars attorneys fees
and all costs and among other thing it was ordered and decreed that
John W. Turner be appointed Special master to sell said lands under
said decree and to place the purchaser in the possession of said
property that notice of said sale be advertised as is usual for Sales
under Executions and Whereas the said Master in pursuance of said
decree and having given due & legal notice by publication in the
Gainesville Weekly Bee an official newspaper published in the
Town of Gainesville Alachua County Florida did on the 7th day of August
sell at public out cry before the Court House door in the Town of
Gainesville between the legal hours of sale the premises in said Decree
mentioned at which sale the premises hereinafter described were
struck of and sold to the said Calvin Gillis party of the second
part for the sum of ($205) Two Hundred and five dollars that being
the highest sum bidden for the same Now this indenture
witnesseth That the said Master in order to carry into effect the
sale made by him as aforesaid in pursuance of the said decree of
the said Court and in consideration of the premises and of the
said sum of money so bidden as aforesaid being first duly paid
to him by the party of the second part the receipt whereof is
hereby acknowledged has granted bargained sold and conveyed and
by these presents does grant bargain sell and convey unto the
said party of the second part his heirs and assigns forever all
that certain tract or parcel of land Situated in Gainesville
Alachua County Florida and bounded as follows South West
corner of Block 7 Seven Range 8 Eight in said Town according
to a survey recorded in Deed Book "H" page 383 of the public
records of Alachua County thence running Easterly Eighty feet
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 6 September 2021
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