Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record N
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thence running Northerly 84 eighty four feet thence running Westerly
(25) Twenty five feet thence Northerly two hundred feet thence running
Easterly (25) twenty five feet thence running Northerly (50) fifty feet
thence Westerly (80) Eighty feet thence Southerly (334) three hundred and
thirty four feet to the point of beginning containing 21720 feet more or
less. To have and to Hold all and singular the premises above mentioned
and described and hereby conveyed or intended to be unto the said party
of the second part his heirs and assigns to his and their own
proper use and behoof forever. In Witness Whereof I the said John
W. Turner Master as aforesaid have hereunto set my hand and seal on
this the 7th day of August AD 1882
Signed sealed and delivered in }  John W. Turner    (LS)
presence of us as witnesses    } Special Master
       T.E. Haile Jr           }    In Chancery
       E.C.F. Sanchez          }

State of Florida }
Alachua County   } Before me personally came John W. Turner who
says and acknowledges before me that he did as Special Master in
chancery sign seal execute and deliver the foregoing deed of conveyance
for the uses and purposes therein contained and expressed
Taken acknowledged and subscribed }
to before me this 7th day of      } John W. Turner
August AD 1882                    }
      J.A. Carlisle               }
        Clerk Cir Court           }

       Recorded August 14th 1882
             J.A. Carlisle Clerk
                  pr S.H. Wienges D.C.

  George K. Broome and Wife to Calvin Gillis
This Indenture made and entered into this the 7th day of August AD
1882 between George K. Broome and Eliza Broome his wife (who joins in
this deed for the purpose of renouncing and relinquishing her right of dower
to the premises hereinafter convey) parties of the first part and Calvin Gillis
party of the second part witnesses that the parties of the first part for and 
in consideration of the sum of fifty dollars to them paid the receipt
of which is hereby acknowledged have granted bargained and sold and
by these presents grant bargain & sell to the party of the first part his
heirs and assigns all that tract or parcel of land being and situate
in the Town of Gainesville in the County of Alachua in the State of
Florida known and described as eighty (80) feet of the West side of block
seven (7) Range eight (8) bounded West by D. Blake's lot and East by T.L.
Carter's lot formerly now said Calvin Gillis' lot. To Have and to Hold
to the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns with
all the right title interest claim & demand we have in the same
In testimony whereof the said parties of the first part have
Transcribed by Kaley Behl 6 September 2021
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