Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record N
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Deed Record N Page 658
set my hand and affixed my seal on this 27th day of July AD 1882
Signed sealed and delivered in presence }
of us as witnesses                      } Jno Cunningham  (seal)
     H.A. Elkins                        } surviving Copartner late
     Preston Cunningham                 }  firm of Claghorn & Cunningham (seal)
State of Georgia }
DeKalb County    } I hereby certify that on this 24 day of July AD 1882 before me
personally appeared Mrs Cunningham wife of John Cunningham the grantor
in the foregoing conveyance who being first duly questioned and examined by
me separate and apart from her said husband says and acknowledges before
me that she did sign the said deed of conveyance for the purpose of releasing
relinquishing and renouncing all of her right of Dower in and to the land in
said deed described and that said relinquishment and renunciation of Dower
was done and made by her freely and voluntarily and without any
compulsion constraint apprehension or fear of or from her said husband
In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set }
my hand and- seal                        } M.J. Cunningham (seal)
  (  ) T.B. Watkins                      }
( Seal ) John B. Steward                 }
  (  )     Ordinary
State of Florida } Before me personally appeared John Cunningham
Alachua County   } and __ Cunningham who acknowledged that they
executed signed sealed and delivered the foregoing deed of conveyance for
the uses and purposes therein contained and expressed
Acknowledged and subscribed     }  Jno Cunningham
before me this day of - AD 1882 } sur of Cop Claghorn & Cunningham
  (  ) Preston Cunningham       }  M.J. Cunningham
( Seal ) Notary Public CC Ga    }
  (  )
              Recorded August 16th 1882
                 J.A. Carlisle Clerk
                   pr S.H. Wienges DC

       George M. Hoffman and Wife To George M. Odom
State of Florida } Know all men by these presents that we George M. Hoffman
Alachua County   } and Abby H. Hoffman his wife of the aforesaid State and
County for and in consideration of the sum of six Hundred and twenty five
Dollars to us in hand paid by George M. Odom the receipt whereof we do
hereby acknowledge have granted bargained sold aliened and conveyed; and 
by these presents do grant bargain sell alien and convey unto him
the said George M. Odom all of that certain lot piece tract or parcel of 
land situated lying and being in the County of Alachua in the State of 
Florida particularly known and described as being the West half of the
West half of the North East quarter of section Thirty five (35) in Township
Ten (10) South of Range Eighteen (18) East containing Forty (40) acres of
land more or less Together with all and singular the tenements 

[PART SEC35 TWP10 R18]
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 8 September 2021
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